likes DROFWORDS's upload

4 img
Views: 5290 Commt: 53
Sorry it's been so long! We missed you guys.. here are a few we hope you like and will post many more vids and pics in days to come. As always please comment and tell us what you want to see and or like. We look forward into speaking to all of you again.. please PM with kind words and encouragement.. always looking for couples to play with along with vid and pic exchange.. thanks Rich & Carole

commented on ballsfull's upload

nice load

commented on Wildside3's upload

12 img
Views: 12124 Commt: 179
I was laid in the bath feeling horny so asked Ann to come in and entertain me. She got more and more slutty as the night went on. So I thought I would take some photos to share with you. Let us know if we should take more pics.

mmmm can i taste?

commented on FattyMe's upload

8 img
Views: 34986 Commt: 447
Second post... A lot of you told me that FattyMe is a wrong Username.. Good for my ego but my mirror shows me something else... Anyway, I enjoyed clicking myself... It always turns me on xx

mmmm can i help clean those fingers for you

commented on hjeugen's upload

nice cum shot

commented on jkish68's upload

1 video
Views: 1705 Commt: 8
Hope you like this one, check out the video at 2:50. Sorry the video plays fast.

great load!

commented on stella1984's upload

6 img
Views: 13103 Commt: 116
"When I hold you in my dreams tonight.
The moon and my imagination
Shimmer in your head,
Your lips are reaching up for me,
I slip into your bed.
Kiss me from a distance"
The moon and my imagination
Shimmer in your head,
Your lips are reaching up for me,
I slip into your bed.
Kiss me from a distance"

oooo wow, id love to taste you, any chance your in california?

commented on TashaAlex's upload

6 img
Views: 7820 Commt: 126
Please rate my Ass form 1 to 10. I would like to know what you think? 10 being the best.

can i slide my tongue in and then rate it?

commented on Kela's upload

1 video
Views: 14525 Commt: 142
Exciting huge cumshot from Neil! His performance into sex is on top of the top!


commented on starviper's upload

nice cum shots