likes chaindog's upload

10 img
Views: 21810 Commt: 73
Samantha came back from her sales conference and had a great time. She had a meeting with some of her customers and she had a little too much to drink. They could tell she was horny and took her back to her hotel and had some fun. I wouldn't have known about it until I found they had written what they thought on her sexy ass. I figured if you can't beat 'em you should join 'em so I added my own signature to her 'wall' using a different pen and ink!

likes looking426's upload

7 img
Views: 16331 Commt: 24
What a blow job. We are a young couple looking to have some fun in Boston. Send us a message.

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likes nous2's upload

13 img
Views: 8908 Commt: 48
Made a deal with lukiluki123 that if he could have girls in sexy outfits I would have my wife in sexy outfits. Which is just natural with my wife. Now lukiluki123, can you get girls in lingerie, tights, sexy dresses and high, very high heels? The bet is on...

likes Themilkman1's upload

17 img
Views: 9191 Commt: 16
I met Cindy in reno and this is this is the finish where I reward her with my load on her big tied tits

likes BreeyanaBsexy's upload