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Knight1973 commented on WearMoreNylons's upload
MILF in lingerie for another night in...
14 img
Views: 14573  Commt: 34
Here's the end of the night for my wife and her boyfriend...

He was happy with the amount of pics he had taken of her by that point (almost 100 already!), and was ready to fuck her. She didn't have to be asked to get on her knees and suck his hard cock. She then let him fuck her with no condom on as usual. She was on her back the whole time, she usually doesn't cum in that position, but definitely did very hard that night.

He filled up her pussy with a nice huge cumshot, and took some great pics of her creampie to show me the next day.
Knight1973  Disfruta tu que puedes de ese pedazo de mujer. Cuanto hijo de puta con suerte.Me cago en la puta...
Knight1973 commented on WearMoreNylons's upload
Blowjob in lingerie
13 img
Views: 21647  Commt: 42
My wife put on a sexy slip and stockings and gave me a nice blowjob, letting me finish off in her waiting mouth
Knight1973  Joder, ojala tuviera yo una mujer que me hiciera felaciones asi, cuanto cabron con suerte por la vida.
Knight1973 commented on WearMoreNylons's upload
Great MILF aniversary blowjob
20 img
Views: 14098  Commt: 27
Since it was our anniversary, my MILF wife decided to give me a nice blowjob. She got on her knees and did a fantastic job, and was rewarded with a massive load of cum in her mouth for her to swallow.
Knight1973  Que suerte tienes de tener una mujer que te hace buenas felaciones, hijo puta!
Knight1973 commented on tastyaims's upload
4 img
Views: 3509  Commt: 10
jus some fun
Knight1973  What a nice back!
Knight1973 commented on Claradenoche's upload
Lick me babe
6 img
Views: 8797  Commt: 51
Horny chic looking for hot guys in Madrid. Happy to do male groups
Knight1973  Soy de Madrid y tengo 42 aƱos. Realmente estas segura de lo que pides en tu comentario de perfil.

Creo que muchas de vosotras, mucho ruido y pocas nueces...
Luego nunca llegais hasta el final, si no, cuando quieras y donde quieras.
Knight1973 commented on ledoc's upload
Episode 2-The come back
1 video
Views: 7060  Commt: 10
Great Fuck standing
Knight1973  mmmm. i love your girl
Knight1973 commented on aj491892's upload
fuck slut whore
1 video
Views: 15081  Commt: 44
fuck slut whore
Knight1973  I love this girl. More beautilfull
Knight1973 commented on Ty71's upload
Motel Fuck
11 img
Views: 7611  Commt: 15
Helen loves getting fucked in motels
Knight1973  I love women who take control in bed.
Knight1973 is now friends with lynndon
Knight1973 commented on KatieNHubby's upload
Hotwife sucks
6 img
Views: 5942  Commt: 68
She knows how to use her mouth on a hard cock doesn't she/
Knight1973  What a nice blowjob and beautifull woman