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![Meeting with a friend part II](https://t.accdn.net/ai/8Y/OE/lE/Qa.jpg)
9 img
Views: 9063 Commt: 13
So, the first two photos are the final shots from my first meeting with a friend. I left that ass stretched and full of cum. Obviously she needed more so she invited me back around, so blowjob photos are from the second meeting
likes Megansmadness's upload
![Slut Wife tied up and used by a group...](https://t.accdn.net/82/UM/Ex/tR/68.jpg)
1 video
Views: 5691 Commt: 10
Went out to a party and got a little drunk and thought I should send some pictures back to let him know I was being a good slut like instructed! What do you think? Were this first set of pictures good enough? Always like to hear your comments and was flattered that one of my older party posts made it to the top 25 in the HOF! Go me! anyway let me know what you think. Love the comments, messages we get and all the "likes" if there seems to be enough interest I will post the second set! Her is part 1 of the video
likes bustybi1975's upload
![Ass 2 Mouth](https://t.accdn.net/00/00/00/uS/70.jpg)
1 video
Views: 41422 Commt: 178
Ass 2 Mouth – Not to everyone’s taste, so if you're offended, please don't watch. Well, Busty loves anal and I like a blow job. Put them together and you get a2m. Let us know what you think and if you would like to see more like this. Enjoy.
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