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lickumgud commented on Lillyofthenight's upload
I'm back x
14 img
Views: 12094  Commt: 115
Had a break, but I'm ready to be naughty again ;)
lickumgud  What a beautiful pussy! It looks SO lickable!
lickumgud is now friends with GB007gas
lickumgud likes Mosplease's upload
Do you like seeing me naked?
20 img
Views: 47696  Commt: 605
Do I look as good without my clothes?
I'm so happy I found this site, everyone has been so welcoming xx
Please press like if you do x
lickumgud commented on Couple876's upload
The Incredible Pleasure 1
1 video
Views: 3159  Commt: 25
This is the second time, wife met this guy. This was a long video where the man does something so special to my wife. He takes care of himself and my wife in an incredible way that kept my wife captivated and holding still for his extravaganza. I cut this clip 5 times to make it fit here on this site. This is for guys who adore sweet women and see her enjoy the beauty of nature. I will be posting more of her old clips.
Many of our clips and photos have been stolen in the past. There is nothing I can do about it. Enjoy the incredible beauty of a female body enjoyed by a strong healthy man.
lickumgud  That’s the absolute BEST pussy licking video I’ve seen on here!
lickumgud has uploaded a new upload
My first video
1 video
Views: 373  Commt: 2
A 72 year old guy stroking it!
lickumgud commented on TheSchmoozers's upload
Wanting to be licked
1 video
Views: 2368  Commt: 31
Mrs. Schmoozer spread and waiting dor Mr. Schmoozers mouth foe her clit and bum.
lickumgud  How beautiful! I would love to lick that sweet pussy and ass until I gave you multiple orgasms! You’d have to beg me to stop!
lickumgud likes dom24a's upload
Oral sex
1 video
Views: 7281  Commt: 39
our home
lickumgud has uploaded a new upload
Shaved, or not?
4 img
Views: 772  Commt: 8
My girlfriend shaves her pussy, and wanted me to shave my pubes, so I did. Haven’t decided is I like it better or not. Whatcha think? Shaved , or not?
lickumgud is now friends with stirokart and 1 other person
lickumgud has uploaded a new upload
First post
6 img
Views: 1052  Commt: 12
Been on here awhile, my first post. Just turned 70, love licking pussy and getting sucked!
lickumgud commented on JungeFotze's upload
lick lick
1 video
Views: 3220  Commt: 59
würdet ihr mein nasses Fötzchen lecken wollen?

would you want to lick my wet pussy?
lickumgud  Absolutely I WOULD lick your wet pussy!
lickumgud commented on LaVagina's upload
coffee time 1
1 video
Views: 4146  Commt: 42
while drinking coffee with my nice neighbor the mood had heated up so erotically and I could taste her wonderful cunt.

beim Kaffeetrinken mit meiner netten Nachbarin hatte sich die Stimmung so erotisch aufgeheizt und ich konnte ihre herrliche Fotze schmecken
lickumgud  I LOVE watching a woman licking another woman’s pussy! Really turns me on! Wish I was behind YOU, licking your pussy and anus while you do hers!
lickumgud commented on gulliver01's upload
I love that... (2)
1 video
Views: 2271  Commt: 9
Qui me rejoindra pour sublimer ce type de plaisirs ?
lickumgud  Fantastic!
lickumgud is now friends with cydnee24