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![Ria Urban Slate](https://t.accdn.net/PA/LW/7m/Ac/PP.jpg)
20 img
Views: 19306 Commt: 113
This set was taken last summer (2020) I just can't resist flashing when I'm out and about
likes justusalso's upload
likes splatternlilstar's upload
![She wanted some](https://t.accdn.net/yo/Qi/Kg/LG/jy.jpg)
1 video
Views: 5146 Commt: 28
So when we don't have time together we encourage each other to get our rocks off, Lil one day said hey save me some for fun! This was our 1st attempt but I missed her mouth with us both being drunk....round 2 cumming soon!
Next shot glass is going to be way fuller...new video thoughts???
Next shot glass is going to be way fuller...new video thoughts???