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luikan10 is now friends with cinthia8964
luikan10 commented on DirtyHarry69's upload
Outdoors in a Cuntry Lane!
10 img
Views: 33035  Commt: 90
Hi All,

When we get the chance we borrow some of our friends cars and take them out to the country to do some photos on. Of course we can never tell or show the pics to our friends, but it's a real turn on doing them and then handing the car back all innocently!

Let's see if Dave recognises his car eh? ;-)

Anyone want to loan us their car?

If you know any other free amateur sites where I can post our photos please private message me.

Please vote and leave a comment to let me know if you have a stroke looking at me. :-)

Michelle. xxx

PS: Please take a look at my other posts, especially my very first set where I suck and fuck!
luikan10  I would like to catch
luikan10 commented on ademecer's upload
4 img
Views: 2760  Commt: 4
do you like panty???
luikan10  en la cuarta foto uhmmm se ve bien rika para lamertela y meterle lenguita :P
luikan10 commented on ademecer's upload
4 img
Views: 5126  Commt: 9
i love photoshop, wanna cock on my pic
luikan10  mmm en la 2da foto uhmm q rikas tetas tienes se ven bien mamables :P
luikan10 commented on ademecer's upload
Panty Cum For Me
4 img
Views: 7324  Commt: 8
i love photoshop and cum on my pic
luikan10  mmm estas bien rika... pero en la tercera foto por q no te chupa mejor el clitoris uhmmm bien rikaaa para q saques juguito rikooo
luikan10 commented on ademecer's upload
More Panties
4 img
Views: 7759  Commt: 21
wanna cum on my panty
luikan10  mmm me dan ganas de lamer esa conchita uhmmmmmm
luikan10 commented on ademecer's upload
Wanna Fuck?
4 img
Views: 6608  Commt: 14
wanna cum on my panty and send me
luikan10  hermozaaaa uhmm me masturbe cuatro veses en honor a ti :P
luikan10 commented on jed355's upload
1 video
Views: 54590  Commt: 40
My mature wife Dawn enjoying herself with her 2 favourite toys.
I'm afraid she might be getting used to the size of her little buddies :)
Oh well its good to watch......
luikan10  mmmmm add
luikan10 has uploaded a new upload
Looking for mature women I have 20 years
8 img
Views: 1580  Commt: 2
good control over my photos here, I'd like to meet mature women everywhere, whether they are more mature. I like older women, I have 20 years. I welcome your comments

feel free to contact me!!
luikan10 has uploaded a new upload
Looking For...
5 img
Views: 1845  Commt: 7
Hello good command here some of my photos. I'ma hot boy, I like bold women at any age. good to leave my mail for the ladies who want to have sex or cybersex with me is I have, I am from arequipa peru.
luikan10 commented on PrettyPussy's upload
PrettyPussy Pissing Video
1 video
Views: 57441  Commt: 58
Do you guys like pissing? I'm sure there are plemty of you out there. This was shot on a public beach
luikan10  hermoza mi correo es tengo web cam
luikan10 commented on miguelyximena's upload
My Wife & A Friend
1 video
Views: 64098  Commt: 30
This is our last threesome i like to wacht her fucking ,we are a couple from lima peru and looking for males or couples like us mali us.
luikan10  buen video men eh...esta rika ximena mmm saludos desde arequipa