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LuvCurves77 likes tonkath's upload
Try this or stay naked this summer???...
9 img
Views: 12157  Commt: 381
I tried to put the bikini on, but it looks as if my body wants to stay naked all the time. What do you think.?? I need your advice!!
LuvCurves77 commented on 2curious1s's upload
Posing in checkered shirt
10 img
Views: 40895  Commt: 212
Loves to do a little teasing photos
LuvCurves77  some women are just irresistible and this is one. missing those sexy blue eyes though....
LuvCurves77 is now friends with narutoluv
LuvCurves77 commented on 2curious1s's upload
Shared Wife
8 img
Views: 85313  Commt: 606
At 59 my wife finally agreed to being shared. Does that officially make her a slut now?
LuvCurves77  absolute sexual dynamite!
LuvCurves77 commented on Andrey146's upload
My friend sex
20 img
Views: 7175  Commt: 13
Works vrychom met at the reception
LuvCurves77  great sets. keep em up