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Great afternoon of sex
4 img
Views: 1443  Commt: 3
Spent a great afternoon pleasuring each other
luvs2lick is now friends with sexyfcuk
luvs2lick commented on GeorgieGirl's upload
Can I make it here? Please comment.
12 img
Views: 323734  Commt: 2007
I tried everything.. sexy lingerie.. having impotent hubby take my pics.. masturbating for him.. I even brought my girlfriend into our bed. Now that he's completely impotent, I have no choice but extramarital sex, but I'm afraid of my age, my size, and my shape. I'm not what I used to be. Georgie
luvs2lick  Hi, you are beautiful, as for your size woweeeee!!! such a sexy figure. I wish you were my wife I'd be a very happy man indeed.
Waking in the morning to be greeted by your lovely face........oh my
luvs2lick is now friends with marinflyer and 1 other person