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![Morning view](https://t.accdn.net/nY/Be/Rv/Mg/qn.jpg)
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Views: 7570 Commt: 53
She works 9-5, I work second shift (usually 2-9ish) which makes life interesting. Late dinners, that's for sure. But it means I get to watch her come out of the shower and get dressed in front of me in the bedroom. As I did yesterday. Only problem is I have a raging hardon after and I usually come on Adultism and post about it. Sigh.
commented on Mrmrsbuilder's upload
![Mrs Builders the little cowgirl](https://t.accdn.net/pe/Pq/1D/SZ/Jp.jpg)
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Views: 18115 Commt: 168
Wow thank you so much for all the great responsestate. So glad everyone is enjoying the pics.thank you all for all the great comments and messages.there will definitely will be more to cum!!
Smokin' !!
likes BuckFuddies's upload
![Elizabeth - British MILF](https://t.accdn.net/00/00/01/Ad/T0.jpg)
14 img
Views: 9350 Commt: 37
Elizabeth sucking, fucking and squirting.......please enjoy and comment
likes deedee7266's upload
![Too rude for DeeDee?](https://t.accdn.net/lI/n2/Hn/nB/xl.jpg)
16 img
Views: 40144 Commt: 339
DeeDee just loves this new underwear - and so do I! But she's worried that some of these pics are just a little bit too rude. What do you think?
likes Ynglatinmilffun's upload
8 img
Views: 3995 Commt: 16
Ynglatinmilf sexy married voyour slut who's had pleasure of talking with her???