commented on their own upload
![Mature Redhead Mrs Malone](https://t.accdn.net/CU/iG/4u/hj/ZC.jpg)
14 img
Views: 10714 Commt: 41
It has been quite a while since we posted here. Thought you might like to see some more. These were taken in a hotel waiting for one of hubby's friends to show up for a threesome. His friend did not want to be photographed so we did not take any while he was there.
Thank You for the additional round of comments. We do enjoy reading them.
Mrs Malone
Mrs Malone
Malone13 has uploaded a new upload
![More whipped cream fun](https://t.accdn.net/ZS/TU/VW/lg/yZ.jpg)
20 img
Views: 3818 Commt: 5
Some more of me having fun with whipped cream. Which type of cherry do you prefer....red or green ??? Would you like a taste ??? Would I satisfy your sweet tooth ???
Malone13 has uploaded a new upload
![Some more of me](https://t.accdn.net/lI/n2/Hm/pU/vl.jpg)
13 img
Views: 4160 Commt: 16
It's been a while since I posted here. Thought you might like to see some more. I LOVE reading your comments and messages....so keep them coming !!! I try to respond to each one....would really LOVE to see some tributes on my pictures !!!
Mrs Malone
Mrs Malone
Malone13 has uploaded a new upload
![Whipped cream fun](https://t.accdn.net/g4/Oy/i2/6Z/9g.jpg)
11 img
Views: 3244 Commt: 13
Just having some fun with whipped cream. Where would you start licking? Would you start at the top and follow the arrow? Would you eat the cherries first or save them for last? Or do you prefer your treats without topping? As always....would like to hear from women as well !!!
likes whttrashwit38DDs's upload
commented on their own upload
![Playing with myself](https://t.accdn.net/KW/cs/IY/xr/5K.jpg)
8 img
Views: 3610 Commt: 11
I really like the smaller plastic vibrators....they fit well in your hand and they have the most intense virbations. They bring along the more explosive orgasms. We haven't posted here in a while....thought you might like to see these....let us know what you think. Leave us a comment and let us know what you think....we have more to share if you would like to see them.
Mrs Malone
Mrs Malone
thanks strngr1966 hubby tells me it tastes good too
Malone13 has uploaded a new upload
![Mature Redhead Mrs Malone](https://t.accdn.net/00/00/00/jr/b0.jpg)
8 img
Views: 5541 Commt: 8
Some pictures of me....would love to read your comments.....what would you like to do to me ?
Mrs Malone
Mrs Malone