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6 img
Views: 5119 Commt: 26
kittens request was pictures of my cock in her mouth wearing red lipstick

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18 img
Views: 14493 Commt: 43
getting wet from blowing hubby..and playing around before kids interupted..

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20 img
Views: 17770 Commt: 68
Had to give hubby a birthday gift...i know he loves me brushing my teeth..so...he came on my face....my favorite...i used my toothbrush yo get it off and then i messed with him by brushing my teeth..and singing happy birthday...lol..he was excited ...

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18 img
Views: 23811 Commt: 103
Figured some of you guys might like to know the story to this one...this is the outfit i wore to sunday school to teach..when hubby saw the glasses ..he was done..so we locked the door to room and started playing...i wanted my facial..i got about half facial..the kiddos were trying to bust door down..so hubby had to rush it...some of it hit my dress as you can see in some of the pics..and my laughing pic was when kiddo kicked the door and said open the fucking door...couldnt help but laugh but got to get at hubby for language...but still hilarious..yes i wore the glasses and the dress to school..

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