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Me myself and I
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That's me / Das bin ich / C'est moi!!
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Here my first post.
I hope you like it! Comments, like's and messages are welcome!
Kisses Freddy

Hier meine ersten Bilder! Ich hoffe Sie gefallen Euch!
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Viele Grüße

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BIZ Fredo
Memcy  Love your dick
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Crying From Huge Black Cock
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Views: 9924  Commt: 20
We met a man named King. He was different from the other guys that normally asked to sleep with my wife. King was young, black and very strong and sexy. King wanted her and she wanted King. She had not gotten any real dick in years since my erectile dysfunction took over. She and I both were excited by the thought of finally getting some. Well, she was. I had to wait down stairs on the living room. But I was going to get to set up a recording device with them in the bedroom, so I could enjoy watching them later on video and jerk off. I could hear King was beating up her guts pretty good, because she was moaning very loud. Later she told me it almost didn't happen. Because when the day came King sent her a dick pic. And she saw his cock was massive, long at least 9 or 10 inches and it looked as thick as her forearm. But had a way with words. And he some how persuaded my timid Sunday school teacher wife into bed with him. King fucked the living crap out of my wife. My wife describes fucking King like being ravished by a wild stallion, while being pinned down, unable to resist. She told me she'd never felt anything so deep inside her. She kept referring to how hard he was and how his rapid thrusting was God-like. She went on to say it felt his dick all the way in her soul. She also made me understand the thin line between pain and pleasure, due to the thick and very firm head of King's penis repeatedly bumping, or rather slamming into her cervix to the point she was nearly passed out from cumming too much. When his cock finally came, she could feel the powerful release spraying deeper than she ever imagined. So, hard and so heavily, he saturated her uterus with so much warm cum, she could taste it in her throat. She concluded her emotional recollection by saying once King had completed insemination of my wife's womb, King withdrew his still very firm cock. And my wife told me even after King pulled out, she couldn't move. Because it felt like he was still inside her; fucking her deep! Probably an after effect of being stretched like that. And that cock surpassing beyond her vaginal depths beyond , without relent.