commented on smartyjones27's upload
![Standup routine](https://t.accdn.net/RQ/Z8/hw/VV/mR.jpg)
1 video
Views: 334 Commt: 3
here my wife is enjoying herself using her toys...she is performing like a slut...what do you think?
so sexy
commented on redbirdgranny54's upload
![Slow and easy hitting all spots](https://t.accdn.net/lI/n2/Hr/Vi/Ml.jpg)
1 video
Views: 666 Commt: 10
Being disabled it is so much of a turn on to go slow and easy. I squirted all over the place.
very sexy and hot
likes 49404's upload
![Time for a lunch.](https://t.accdn.net/L4/jy/N4/ER/8L.jpg)
4 img
Views: 2911 Commt: 5
Hmmmmm. After a long morning of service, Master took this sub out to lunch. Dressed appropriately of course. It was 6 degrees farenheit outside, Coat and boots over my cuffs and collar. Where does a Master take his sub to lunch? you guessed it.