commented on 2curious1s's upload

8 img
Views: 85452 Commt: 606
At 59 my wife finally agreed to being shared. Does that officially make her a slut now?

HOT!!! Incredible....would love to have some play time with her...

commented on SexyNMature's upload

HOT!!! That is about all I can say...my tongue is on the floor!!!! Would love to be caressing those curves!

commented on hotabby's upload

14 img
Views: 12110 Commt: 114
Found some old polaroids,,scanned them then added new poses next to them...Boy how iv changed...YOU like? go to my profile to see all my stuff

Like the older pics but have to say the now you makes my balls boil!!!! Would love to be on a boat with you somewhere this weekend!!!!!!

commented on lovepussycat's upload

4 img
Views: 98011 Commt: 201
Having fun while hubby is over seas cheating on me, soooooo just getting even and I love it!

Pick me!!!

commented on OldAssPussy's upload

7 img
Views: 101514 Commt: 952
A few pics I took at a couple abandoned houses with my laptop's webcam. Don't consider this"art" or myself as a "milf" (lol) but I was required to pick three tags.

Great pics...sexy lady!!!

commented on redstone2222's upload

8 img
Views: 9400 Commt: 43
Annie loves her tits to be played with. When no one is around she has to do it herself. Won't you help her out? Comments and tributes are most welcome

Would love to help her out with those pretty titties!!!!

commented on Praetorianer's upload

20 img
Views: 6888 Commt: 42
Wie unsere Fans bereits wissen, liebt Bernd meine Füße über alles. Hier nun neue Bilder aus unserem gerade vergangenen Urlaub. Bernd und ich hatten Sex ohne Ende. Natürlich dürfen auch ein paar Fusssexspiele nicht fehlen. Unglaublich wie es meinen Bock geil macht, wenn ich seinen Schwanz, Sack und Arschloch bearbeite. Bernd wichst dabei heftig und oft cremt er meine Füße mit seiner Ficksahne ein. Schließlich sollen sie ja geschmeidig für ihn bleiben....Wir bitten wie immer um hemmungslos versaute Kommentare !! Bald kommen weitere Bilder - nur Geduld ihr scharfen , geilen Böcke LG Michelle

Would love to suck on those toes!!!!