commented on PSDB's upload

19 img
Views: 8808 Commt: 66
Tried wax dripping on my tied up titties. So enjoy tying my big boobs up 💋. I have never done this before. Was relieving a request 😘.

number 12 show's she has a big beautiful pussy. my question is does she eats pussy? I would love 2 eat hers

commented on sexypickle's upload

long big fat deep pussy. I can take a couple of dick in my pussy at same time. in sure u could take more. thanks for sharing

commented on Chubbyshygirl's upload

12 img
Views: 56041 Commt: 878
I love oral and being fucked hard, the question is do you find me hot enough to fuck ??
I can't wait to see who does x
Please remember to press the like button if you do x
I can't wait to see who does x
Please remember to press the like button if you do x

girl I been around the block a few time. I here 2 tell u. u r a very beautiful young lady. u would have men & boys a like tripping over each other just 2 talk 2u. u have nothing 2 worry about u have a very sexy body. be proud of it. u said u like 2 have sex when u can find someone who would with u.. I can't imagine anyone not wanting 2 touch ur body. making sweet love 2u.. don't underestimate urself. & don't lower ur standards. other words don't become some one like me. don't get me wrong I love my life & would not do anything different 2 change it. I been fucking since the age of 12 & have never stopped. I have never used the word NO!! let me do the math for u.. i have fucked thousands of guys..I'm 100% slut. u my dear r 100% a beautiful & sexy woman. with the body so hot & sexy u could own the world.. & 2b honest i love lady 2. it would be so easy having my way with u & falling Head Over Heels for u..

commented on sexypickle's upload

sorry I mean no disrespect but that's a very big nasty ugly pussy!! put it out of it miseries.

commented on DebbiesAss's upload

omg. it looks so much sexier shaved. hope u keep it off. nasty as fuck with hair on it..

commented on marknor's upload

I love these pictures of a Mountain Dew bottle & a hand being shoved deep in that sexy pussy wish it was me doing it because once they came out it would be a face buried deep in that pussy. thanks for sharing such beautiful, , sexy pictures