likes lula57's upload

4 img
Views: 25828 Commt: 185
For those who like large lips down there. I stretch them, to make them longer and longer. I like the idea of pulling them to get a "hottentot-apron". Motivations, hints and treatment advices are wellcome. Für alle, die lange / große innere Schamlippen mögen. Ich dehne meine, damit sie immer länger werden. Ich mag die Vorstellung, sie auszudehnen um eine "Hottentottenschürze" zu bekommen. Anregungen, Hinweise und Behandlungsvorschläge sind willkommen.

likes AUST's upload

4 img
Views: 14517 Commt: 14
thought wed share some holiday pics with you it was raining so we had some fun , if you dont have somthing nice to coment then dont , love to swap pics thanks

commented on AUST's upload

5 img
Views: 10562 Commt: 25
Heres the wife getting a haircut and shave any anyone else want one, like rto hear nice coments and swap some pics xxxxxxxx

lass mich mal rassieren bitte

commented on AUST's upload

8 img
Views: 8533 Commt: 26
Hi just thought we would share some pics hope you like them always like to swap pics with females or couples

das ist geil schöne offene fotze

commented on AUST's upload

5 img
Views: 8021 Commt: 39
Hi been a while just thought we would share when she wants it in the bum she wants it always good to hear nice comments love to hear from other aussies enjoy she did xxxxxxx from oz

geil im arsch

commented on AUST's upload

eine herrliche fotze

commented on geilespaar22's upload

klasse body

commented on angez23's upload

was für eine geile Fotze da wird mein Schwanz ganz hart

commented on wonneblume's upload

eure box ist voll

commented on wonneblume's upload

4 img
Views: 8574 Commt: 145
When he seems to be empty and tired - just a short show and he is back again.
Wenn er leergepumpt is, dann ist er so schnell wieder fit
Wenn er leergepumpt is, dann ist er so schnell wieder fit

was für geile fotzenlappen

likes ingekurt's upload

20 img
Views: 13706 Commt: 22
After we shot the pictures on the couch, we went into the bedroom and ran to Inge
Nachdem wir die Bilder auf der Couch geschossen haben gings ins Schlafzimmer und Inge zog sich um
Nachdem wir die Bilder auf der Couch geschossen haben gings ins Schlafzimmer und Inge zog sich um