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pearldrops4u commented on gailjordan's upload
Being Happy
1 video
Views: 226  Commt: 3
Sometimes i just need relief.
pearldrops4u  I know what you need? It needs my cock
pearldrops4u is now friends with gailjordan
pearldrops4u commented on gailjordan's upload
Part 2
1 video
Views: 1435  Commt: 17
Just couldn't help but cum with him looking and videoing me. Can you blame a girl? Never guess what he did next??? What would you have done if you were him???
pearldrops4u  Looks and sounds delightful.
pearldrops4u commented on his own upload
Poses between sets
4 img
Views: 1129  Commt: 10
Posing between sets
pearldrops4u  Thanks to all!
pearldrops4u likes Frenchkisses's upload
Have you ever sinned? I did.... again...
20 img
Views: 11573  Commt: 97
Well, if you are here reading this, you have surely sinned or are about to....

How wonderful it is to sin, don't you think? I read this hot book, got really aroused... ... I had to call him... to call my sinner... then he had to come... over .... and... over me... and we loved it! Hope you did too!!!

Don’t forget to like, comment, favorite, and share, you wonderful people! 💋
Make sure to check out our other posts! 💋
pearldrops4u commented on ravenstorm's upload
kiss my a$$
4 img
Views: 3246  Commt: 39
Got banned from insta for that exact phrase. So I'm here .. kiss my ass baby
pearldrops4u  Gladly and what a beautiful ass it is
pearldrops4u commented on LynnNMike's upload
Lynn’s Boy Toy
6 img
Views: 13109  Commt: 81
Lynn met a young man last year while traveling up north. She enjoyed him on two occasions. Recently, she was on another trip and I asked her to enjoy him again but take pics. She called me from her hotel right after he fucked her and left a nice deposit. So proud of her!
pearldrops4u  I'm sure I would suck that knob with her sweet juices on it
pearldrops4u commented on LynnNMike's upload
Lynn’s Sweet Ass
6 img
Views: 15437  Commt: 160
I love when someone (men and women) eat my pussy and lick my ass!
Who wants to taste me?

pearldrops4u  Gorgioso! Would like to ride my tongue over every bump, crack n crevice, ripple. Basically everything that ends with is or us or a. I would like to also spit on it and slide my knob all over it. Especially that clitor is.
pearldrops4u commented on LynnNMike's upload
Lynn More Fun
4 img
Views: 12539  Commt: 76
Love my morning blowjobs from Lynn!
pearldrops4u  Such beautiful legs. I see she starts her man very well
pearldrops4u likes kaylaluvsitmore1's upload
Loving life!
18 img
Views: 51315  Commt: 196
Another new guy
pearldrops4u commented on sladjana's upload
Blowjob - Sladjana Serbian wife
1 video
Views: 101454  Commt: 209
Husband is filming me and our friend
pearldrops4u  You surbian and s*lut**! Take my cum
pearldrops4u commented on slutwife55's upload
My hubby can only watch
1 video
Views: 1238  Commt: 10
Mmmm with a nice bull . We cuckold my hubby
pearldrops4u  So good. Got me hard. Can I join in?
pearldrops4u commented on GAtool7's upload
Cuckold wife!!
8 img
Views: 2746  Commt: 13
Got to have some fun fucking my buddy's wife he took some pictures to post on she love my dick and he loves to watch me fuck her
pearldrops4u  Looks and sounds like fun. Can I join?
pearldrops4u likes hektek's upload
Close ups
4 img
Views: 3455  Commt: 33
Wife pussy
Taking dick
Nice and hard and it getting wet and squirting
All over my cock
pearldrops4u likes eyesofblue's upload
Just me
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Views: 3494  Commt: 64
Random pics both inside and outside
pearldrops4u likes Stevieandbecky's upload
Just love cum
8 img
Views: 10667  Commt: 88
Bi couples welcome to lick fuck or release there load
pearldrops4u commented on Stevieandbecky's upload
Steve likes to watch me play
4 img
Views: 9331  Commt: 93
Me playing
pearldrops4u  Very nice!
pearldrops4u commented on chromeit2007's upload
Mirror mirror on the wall
5 img
Views: 2186  Commt: 27
Just a few pics to share
pearldrops4u  Sure is a big one. You got me beat
pearldrops4u commented on chromeit2007's upload
my beautiful woman
4 img
Views: 5274  Commt: 121
a few pics
pearldrops4u  I like the way she spreads those lips. Makes me want to smack it with my heavy cock
pearldrops4u likes BeccaP's upload
Tell Me What You See
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Views: 20824  Commt: 384
It has taken almost 7 months to list this post, but here it is. For those who are interested in reading why I am posting, please read on. If not, leave a comment and I will read it :-)
I am not sure how much what I say here matters or if anyone will read it, but why I am posting is important for me to share.
I do not sleep around, I am not promiscuous and I would not ever really consider myself someone who is comfortable in her own skin. But here I am, posting intimate photos of myself. Why?

These photos were taken with my ex, we were together for 6 years. He is the only person I was ever with until our breakup, and these photos were for us. The reason I am sharing them is because there is a part of me that I have not/can not explore in real life, and these photos represent that to me.

The simplest and most crude way of explaining it is don't really want to sleep around or be a stripper. Yet I find myself jealous of those women. Not sure if that makes sense, but it's how I feel. I find myself wanting validation from men in ways that has nothing to do with my personality or what is inside my head. I want something primal. However, in real life I cannot voice this. Even putting this into words has me shaking more than the knowledge I am sharing a photo of my bare breasts.

I want to know what people think of me. How they see me. I want to talk to people, men or women, in a safe place where I can be myself without judgment. I want to feel naked and free.

I will be 100% honest and transparent and answer anything. The only thing I am hiding is my face since I have a career and do not want to be known for this.

My body is not perfect, I know that. But it is me and I want you to see that.

I hope to hear from you. Good or bad.
