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Phallus41 is now friends with loveswing and 3 other people
Phallus41 has uploaded a new upload
My first uploaded pics
20 img
Views: 8458  Commt: 14
Unsorted. I will upload much more later and put them in different categories with related stories
Phallus41 likes HiroshiandMai's upload
Various strangers' cocks
18 img
Views: 33823  Commt: 14
From several different occasions during last few years. We are vacationing in Costa Rica. Tabacon Hot Springs was unforgetable. We are now at Tambor Beach Resort. We like to exchange photos with couples and females. Guys please do not send your solo cock shot (Huge turn off to Mai) However cumshot -over-her-picture photos are always welcome. No cam/msn