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New wife showing her stuff
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Views: 4443  Commt: 13
Wife with freshly fucked pussy. Back in the islands with my new wife. She just turned 30 yrs old in these photos. She always has a wet pussy, and does anything I ask her to do. .
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Kitty on display
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Views: 6132  Commt: 24
Upon returning from the islands I captured a few shots of my ex wife displaying her charms. With my moving out of the picture she is going to be in the market for a sugar daddy. We are going to be in different cities and countries. The girl does have nice features.
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Never Been Kissed
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Views: 5870  Commt: 11
This my wife's cousin. She is 20 yrs old and lives in the Philippines. She is not a vacation destination. I would like for her to hook up with an American Caucasian gentleman 35 to 55 years of age who is not possessive, selfish, or insecure. Since she doesn't have experience with sex or dealing with the world she prefers an older man who could be her husband and teacher. That is common in the Philippines. If you fit the qualifications and would be able to take a trip to the Philippines feel free to apply for the position. You have to be decent looking and in reasonably good heath. If you would like for her to respond to you send a picture and a proper introduction to islandgirl200 at yaw who. This young lady is the real deal so be sure that you are.
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Future wife
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Views: 7845  Commt: 8
Some photos I have taken over the last few months. Future wife has overcome the modesty of her upbringing. She has discovered it is fun to be sexy and let people admire her features. Check the previous post if you want to see it in your face.
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Future wife
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Views: 7434  Commt: 14
A good friend of mine came to the islands. We met for dinner and afterward he took my 28 year old Future Wife to his hotel room, had his way with her, and took some pictures. This was her first experience with someone she hadn't met before. Later she came home with a smile on her face. It had been a good experience for her. She had accomplished her mission and then some. You can see how wet she is in the photos.
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Future Wife
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Views: 4803  Commt: 6
This will be my next wife as soon as I clear out the dead wood. She is 28 yrs old, 4'11, 96 lbs, and a do anything to please you girl. She was a modest lady until she met me. Now she is getting bolder and hornier. Considering that I am 66 yrs old now, I hope to make her my last wife. What I have done in the past was give my wives more freedom than they could handle. Can't help myself, I will do it again. Can't resist watching a shy violet turn into a wild rose. Been in the islands 6 months now. Stopped looking for girls when I found this one.
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Kitty getting ready to go out on a date
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Views: 6821  Commt: 13
Trying to get away from posed photos. I snapped these as my 26 yr old wife was getting ready to go out on a date. I like to nail her after she comes home from a date freshly fucked with her pussy swollen and tenderized. I could get that more often if she didn't have to be romantically involved with her dates.
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My girlfriend in the islands
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Views: 4277  Commt: 4
She is 23 yrs old in these photos. They were taken after a friend rubbed her pussy red.