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ptlincoln4fun commented on sexcouple1's upload
Sexy morning
7 img
Views: 14869  Commt: 148
No story
ptlincoln4fun  Bet you taste as good as you look! Hot as.....
ptlincoln4fun commented on matrix67's upload
Hi Guys
6 img
Views: 6654  Commt: 25
Sorry its been so long, still waiting for some thick cream on my pics!! just cant get enough cock!
ptlincoln4fun  God that is delicious!!! IF only ther were couples/females on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.
ptlincoln4fun commented on needosalam's upload
Big breast  dancing and bouncing
1 video
Views: 149669  Commt: 495
Watch me !
ptlincoln4fun  I remember the same hip motions riding on my cock! If only the memories were of you!!!