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rscamaro73 is now friends with bradjanette and 5 other people
rscamaro73 likes BustySandra's upload
New selfshots and a little blow
15 img
Views: 130624  Commt: 294
Got so many requests for new pics and that is the result. hope you all liked this pics. i want to meke the next gallerie a best of tribut gallerie. So i hope i became many messages with a cmsplattered pic from me. BOYS.......LET`S GET IT ON!!! Kisses
rscamaro73 is now friends with openflyguy and 3 other people
rscamaro73 commented on MyLiLStylist's upload
Just me again
4 img
Views: 7038  Commt: 70
rscamaro73  Luv it. Waiting for the full show...
rscamaro73 is now friends with hotassmarry and 5 other people
rscamaro73 likes fuckmehard21's upload
Time for play again...
12 img
Views: 6096  Commt: 52
Still not too sure about all this...getting braver. Hope you enjoy, I love reading the comments...
rscamaro73 likes Jazz2010's upload
Why am I smiling?
12 img
Views: 16541  Commt: 100
Got my pussy eaten out for first time 2 nights ago.Havent stop smilin since.
rscamaro73 likes ConsentingAdult's upload
Here's to us..
9 img
Views: 43914  Commt: 301
..and a very long,.. thick,.. intense relationship.. (wink) do you mind the taste of beer and smoke in my mouth?
rscamaro73 commented on aaaahhh09's upload
Large or Small?
4 img
Views: 14859  Commt: 183
Well we would like to conduct an experiment. I (the wife) hate having large nipples. I believe it to be a turn off for most guys. My husband however loves them so he wanted to post and see what yall thought just to prove me wrong.. please be honest
rscamaro73  Luv'em just like this :)
Sportin' a chubby .....