commented on youbet's upload

6 img
Views: 1872 Commt: 17
Wifes panties - which do you prefer? - The real question is do I have to post more? UPDATE - Stakes have been raised to cum in them - OR - public pics in them??????

i love it !!!!

likes AbbyStudies20's upload

16 img
Views: 46913 Commt: 82
..and I was wondering if you have ever sucked a man's cock until he came hard in the back of your throat? When you did it, did you swallow right away, or swirl his cum around in your mouth for awhile.. Oh Abby, please tell me how I can stop thinking about sex all the time.

likes AbbyStudies20's upload

likes Eastusa's upload

8 img
Views: 31734 Commt: 288
Just showing off her perfect boobs! At least i think they are, let me know what you all think!

likes 40Jahre's upload