commented on dallasdale22's upload
![Describe her one word](https://t.accdn.net/CU/iG/4v/N8/LC.jpg)
8 img
Views: 18021 Commt: 297
Tell me what you think of her with one word or as many as you need she wants to know
likes splatternlilstar's upload
![Stills from our recent video "What Do...](https://t.accdn.net/JO/5m/DX/09/gJ.jpg)
13 img
Views: 6520 Commt: 30
Another member here requested some pics for those of you whom can't watch the video of Lil doing a bit of a strip tease shaking her hips then crawling into opening her mouth with her tongue stuck out requesting cock....well What Do you Do with Her?