49 years old
United States
Last login:
Member since:
Jun 09, 2012
I would love to compare notes with other shared women. I have also discovered the exhilaration of hum*liation and I would enjoy hearing from other submissive women serving their Master.
It is most often Mrs. Snakeballs (Ayla) online. I am a shared woman and I am serving my beloved Master as a loyal and devoted submissive. I wear his collar and when i am fortunate, I also wear his welts with great pride. If you have heard outlandish stories about me, they are probably true. I have tasted my own excrement served to me on my Masters" penis and I have asked him if he would grace me with a second helping. Please message me if you would like to know if he was kind enough to grant my wish. Love to all, Ayla