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The girlfriend came home very drunk
10 img
Views: 4456  Commt: 16
So it's been a long while since I last had a chance to take any pictures of the missus, She came home very drunk and I got my chance. I put the heels on first for extra effect. If she knew these were going up , I would get my balls chopped off! I had a raging boner on the whole time and got a few vids too, but won;'t be putting them up as it has her face in it.Let me know which are your favourites!Enjoy!
spainy is now friends with PrivatePerson82
spainy commented on his own upload
The Missus
11 img
Views: 50214  Commt: 20
Hi all im new to this. These are pictures of my missus at home in varios poses,tied up, outside,drunk and passed out(my favourites he he). She's a bit shy so these have been taken over a quite a long time and then all put together for your enjoyment.
Im loving people seein her naked so let me know what you think!
spainy  My favourite is the first pic, what about yours?
spainy is now friends with mid8cpl and 1 other person
spainy likes google27's upload
People wanted to see my asshole and m...
7 img
Views: 115490  Commt: 348
Just some randoms taken a while back
spainy is now friends with dorado35 and 1 other person