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![Lacy fun with adultism friend](https://t.accdn.net/00/00/00/HJ/z0.jpg)
20 img
Views: 10050 Commt: 60
Put on my lacy stuff to met an Adultism Friend. Took his hard Cock while my hubby watched
commented on foxbat263's upload
![Long distance cuckold](https://t.accdn.net/kA/gW/Ci/tz/ck.jpg)
1 video
Views: 23773 Commt: 120
My friend filled me up while my husband was away on business. Before leaving, hubby said I should fool around and send him pictures (he loves watching me with others for some reason? So I sent him a small sexy closeup of our session, and he surprised me by sending back a video of him masturbating to it in his hotel room. Loved it!! I guess I'm a very lucky gal. :)
That was one hot video. I'll have to make one like that for my husband some day soon.