tommer58 has uploaded a new upload
![my bare ass](https://t.accdn.net/ZS/TU/VX/oO/8Z.jpg)
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Views: 1026 Commt: 3
Theres nothing like the light of morning to illuminate the human form, in this case my bottom.
tommer58 has uploaded a new upload
![taking my temp](https://t.accdn.net/00/00/01/n5/20.jpg)
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Views: 1398 Commt: 3
A few months ago I wasn't feeling to good, I had achy joints, i was feverish and I was constipated. I decided to take my temperature the old fashioned way (rectally). It s also the most accurate, kinky and erotic way to take it.
tommer58 has uploaded a new upload
![bottom dancing](https://t.accdn.net/uS/oU/qX/OU/tu.jpg)
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Views: 1714 Commt: 2
I ounce again had the desire to expressing the joy of my sexuality and expose more of myself by giving viewers a peek-a-boo of my anus. Also I have to ooopps say excuse me for the burp from my hiney.
tommer58 has uploaded a new upload
![riding hood exposing his ass](https://t.accdn.net/Vm/rw/BH/6O/UV.jpg)
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Views: 1574 Commt: 5
I was over come with the urge to jutt out my bare bottom with the tune Little red riding hood as soundtrack.