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tyswimmer commented on SuzyJaywebfun's upload
3rd Post Show casing her DD's
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Views: 14041  Commt: 165
From our previous post I learned that I was not the only fan of Suzy's big nipples. So for those of you who fell in love with her dark arreolas and big nipples, this post is for you. Remember to leave a comment, favorite it, like it, follow it. Do something to let us know you are liking our post. Also tributes to any of her pictures can be sent to
tyswimmer  Amazing! So sexy....
tyswimmer commented on SuzyJaywebfun's upload
First Post hopefully not the last
11 img
Views: 50902  Commt: 307
This is our first post here on this site. This beautiful mother of 3 children does not believe me that her body is still attractive and very much still deserving the attention of both men and women. These are various pictures some taken recently and some last year., so please let us know what you think. We will love to hear what you would do to her. Tributes are welcome. All we ask is that you be respectful. Remember you do not have to post a comment especiially if it is negative.
tyswimmer  What beautiful body! I love looking at her and fantasizing....