commented on LaurieF's upload

4 img
Views: 10166 Commt: 190
It’s not easy posing by yourself lol. And honestly, I am trying not to show more that I’m comfortable with. I’m not sure if I am really enjoying this or if I will feel guilty and ashamed in a few days. But right now I really love the feedback and I guess I just want to be in the moment

You've nothing to be self-conscious about. Your body is exquisite. Don't be the least bit ashamed of sharing it. I rarely compliment women, because I tend to lean the other way, but you're impeccable.

commented on Oldjack's upload

I'd let you toss me around on the bed for a night ;)

commented on Enduro's upload

I'm sure I'm not your flavor, but you're a gorgeous man. (swoon)

commented on gererad's upload

I'd Peel those down with my teeth & tease you by sensually circling the head with the tip of my tongue.

commented on gererad's upload

The last one. I'd love to see that masculine hand doing that to my li'l pink rocket ;)

commented on fg2008's upload

10 img
Views: 2675 Commt: 23
Hairy... haven't shaved in quite some time.... thought I'd post a before and after... let me know it you like !

I absolutely love hairy men!

commented on Sohard3303's upload

... I'd like to pull your panties down with my teeth & tease you with my tongue until your legs were shaking uncontrollably. Then I'd finish you off so damn good, you'd be screaming my name, and you'd mean it ;)

commented on Wreckless's upload

YOU, sir, are a very handsome young man. I'd love to feel your hot mouth on my neck while you're punishing my tight, li'l wow-wow with that huge snake ;)

likes hardasiron's upload

5 img
Views: 2287 Commt: 17
Sure is entertaining to view the hot post on adultism.com. Hope you like my pics. Thought I would post a few pics showing the effect it had on me viewing posts. I was so horny I soaked my boxers with precum.