commented on sonjaDev's upload

...sehr schön und anregend aufregend anzusehen!

commented on Miara75b's upload

...das sechste Bild gefällt mir gerade am Besten - bei dem leckeren Anblick und bei der verlockenden Perspektive fällt es mir nicht schwer, mir vorzustellen, was ich als nächste mit Dir anstellen könnte...

commented on Jacky67's upload

Oh, einfach unwiderstehlich, aufregend und verführerisch...

commented on Jacky67's upload

4 img
Views: 17353 Commt: 210
i hope you like this album as much as my first one. have fun leaving your comments and texting me.

...definitiv ein absoluter Hingucker! 😃

commented on Frenchkisses's upload

20 img
Views: 25892 Commt: 378
Well here I am... Just me, naked, wearing nothing but a bracelet and a hint of perfume
💋 Would you like to know wich fragrance it is? Ask me!
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💋 Would you like to know wich fragrance it is? Ask me!
Don’t forget to like, comment, favorite, and share, you lovely people!
Make sure to check out our other posts!

Der knackige Hintern, große und steife Nippel, lange, weit geöffnete Schamlippen und eine geschwollene Klitoris... 🥵 muss ich mich entscheiden? Ich würde zu all dem nicht nein sagen...😋 ...und die Duftnoten... Muschi-Moschus? 😋

commented on Frenchkisses's upload

20 img
Views: 11877 Commt: 160
Hugo and I are wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with joy, laughter, and plenty of time to enjoy your favorite activities, and of course a lot of dirty filthy SEX! I'm all about the balls, no matter the shape or size! 🔥🎁❤️✨🎄
Don’t forget to like, comment, favorite, and share, you lovely people!
Make sure to check out our other posts!
Don’t forget to like, comment, favorite, and share, you lovely people!
Make sure to check out our other posts!

Ein wahrhaft berauschender Anblick! Was für ein Genuß! Und wie ich sehe... wurde auch die Zuckerstange vollständig vernascht!

likes Frenchkisses's upload

20 img
Views: 55458 Commt: 487
To this amazing Adultism community—thank you for being part of this journey. May your New Year's Eve be filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable moments. Here's to good health, great adventures, and dreams that come true in the year ahead. 🌟❤️💋
Yes, ist was very very cold outside, but it was fun shooting for ya All ❤️💋
Wishing you all the best as we turn the page to 2024! Stay safe, stay joyful, and let’s make every moment count! 🥂💋
Don’t forget to like, comment, favorite, and share, you lovely people!💋
Make sure to check out our other posts! 💋
Yes, ist was very very cold outside, but it was fun shooting for ya All ❤️💋
Wishing you all the best as we turn the page to 2024! Stay safe, stay joyful, and let’s make every moment count! 🥂💋
Don’t forget to like, comment, favorite, and share, you lovely people!💋
Make sure to check out our other posts! 💋

commented on dirtrider's upload

8 img
Views: 7796 Commt: 60
...we spend two weeks at Almunjecar about 10 years ago.....and enjoyed the sunny days at the beach, posing in front of horny guys ;-)

Was für ein Anblick! Da beginnt es schön zwischen den Lenden zu pochen...

commented on ira671's upload

...würdest Du bitte die Beine weit sprietzen, damit ich alles mit meiner Zunge und meinen Lippen erreiche?

commented on Frenchkisses's upload

20 img
Views: 49686 Commt: 511
Hey everyone, you all know Spotify Wrapped, right? Well, here we are—Frenchkiss UNWRAPPED! It’s time to look back at YOUR Best of 2024! 🌟
What a year it has been! We came last year together, and every single one of you—friends, followers, and even those who popped in for a one-time visit—made it special. You’ve been kind, supportive, and helpful, and We can’t thank you enough!
So, here it is: the most commented pictures from the past year, all chosen by YOU! This is a celebration of everything we’ve created together. Cheers to you all, and let’s make 2025 even more unforgettable! ✨
Here's to a wonderful year ahead! 🙌
Don’t forget to like, comment, favorite, and share, you lovely people!💋
Make sure to check out our other posts! 💋
What a year it has been! We came last year together, and every single one of you—friends, followers, and even those who popped in for a one-time visit—made it special. You’ve been kind, supportive, and helpful, and We can’t thank you enough!
So, here it is: the most commented pictures from the past year, all chosen by YOU! This is a celebration of everything we’ve created together. Cheers to you all, and let’s make 2025 even more unforgettable! ✨
Here's to a wonderful year ahead! 🙌
Don’t forget to like, comment, favorite, and share, you lovely people!💋
Make sure to check out our other posts! 💋

So unwiderstehlich... und diese "Best of" Zusammenstellung macht es nicht einfacher... ich beginne schon wieder von ihr zu träumen...
Ich wünsche Euch ein gesundes, glückliches und natürlich erotisch-lustvolles neues Jahr! Und ich feue mich auf neue Posts von Euch!
Ich wünsche Euch ein gesundes, glückliches und natürlich erotisch-lustvolles neues Jahr! Und ich feue mich auf neue Posts von Euch!

commented on sabrigirl's upload

...Dein Förzchen leistet mir gute Dienste!

commented on ira671's upload

Please, open your legs for lickung! 😋

commented on Fee2023's upload

...Dein Anblick lässt auch meine Lust erwachen! 😋

likes Frenchkisses's upload

20 img
Views: 24007 Commt: 289
Tell me! Would you cum for me? Ladys... do i have an effect on you too?
It's gonna be hot, don't you think?
Don't forget to like, comment, favorite and share you lovely people!!!
Take a look at our other posts!
It's gonna be hot, don't you think?
Don't forget to like, comment, favorite and share you lovely people!!!
Take a look at our other posts!

commented on Frenchkisses's upload

20 img
Views: 19671 Commt: 203
Your feedbacks are just amazing! Thank you all lovely peaple so much!!!
Most requests: My big thick nipples, and also my meaty lips... You are served!!!
Don't forget to like, comment, favorite and share you lovely people!!!
Take a look at our other posts
Most requests: My big thick nipples, and also my meaty lips... You are served!!!
Don't forget to like, comment, favorite and share you lovely people!!!
Take a look at our other posts

...mit jeden Bild träume ich mehr davon, von diesen aufregenden Früchten zu naschen... diese aufgerichteten Knospen, dazu die geschwollenen und bereiten Lippen... sie rauben mir fast die Sinne!

commented on Aniela's upload

19 img
Views: 8057 Commt: 66
I would like to be used again, only serious inquiries
Ich möchte mich mal wieder schön benutzen lassen,wer mich möchte bitte nur ernst gemeinte bitte..
Ich möchte mich mal wieder schön benutzen lassen,wer mich möchte bitte nur ernst gemeinte bitte..

...allein der Anblick kommt schon einer Einladung gleich, bei der mein Körper ganz laut "JAAA!" schreit!

commented on Pralleklitty's upload

20 img
Views: 10459 Commt: 67
For those who can not see the Video.
We hope you love to watch her.
What do you think?
I really can't get enough watching my wife!
We whould love to read your hot comments 🔥
We hope you love to watch her.
What do you think?
I really can't get enough watching my wife!
We whould love to read your hot comments 🔥

Oh, ich verspüre große Gelüste hier zu naschen! Was für ein herrlicher Anblick! Dabei läuft mir das Wasser im Mund zusammen... meine Lippen, meine Zunge, meine Finger wurden nur zu gerne... spüren, wie diese Schenkel lustvoll erbeben!

commented on Frenchkisses's upload

7 img
Views: 20105 Commt: 195
there is planty of space for a lot of friends...
Don't forget to like, comment, favorite and share you lovely people!!!
Take a look at our other posts!
Don't forget to like, comment, favorite and share you lovely people!!!
Take a look at our other posts!

...dieser Anblick ist unwiderstehlich! 🤪