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vicbig commented on stuffnphanie's upload
Anal wife fun
18 img
Views: 27116  Commt: 78
Weekend fun...
vicbig  Beautiful baby,fantastic ass,very lucky husband
vicbig commented on nakedbimom's upload
Free-spirited Nudist
8 img
Views: 4623  Commt: 23
Ten years ago after a divorce I deided to try nudism. It opened up a new dimension in my life...and also expanded my sex life. I like to be naked with all who are not offended. Here are some shots of me playing around the house.
vicbig  Absolutely beautiful mature lady.
vicbig commented on blossomooo's upload
Peach blossom
20 img
Views: 3738  Commt: 8
Peach blossom
vicbig  sooooooooo beautiful!!!!!
vicbig commented on tesswilbane's upload
My first photos
4 img
Views: 3037  Commt: 14
Just a few photos! Anybody have a foot fetish? Let me know!
vicbig  beautiful feet baby.