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Victorian70 likes dujag's upload
Do YOU like to be part?
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Views: 6440  Commt: 39
I like sex... and if u go here in sweden write me for quicker contact and meeting. and im NOT a hocker... i'm doing it for my self and that i enjoy sex!
Victorian70 has uploaded a new upload
As requested part II
4 img
Views: 1086  Commt: 0
Thanks for all your -personal- messages and requests. As primised, hereby some more ;-)
Victorian70 is now friends with dujag
Victorian70 commented on his own upload
Have a ball...
4 img
Views: 1093  Commt: 5
Be sure, 3 times out of 4, I'm ready for you ;-)
Victorian70  well, you're both hereby invited to come and clean it. Enjoy your meal :-)
Victorian70 has uploaded a new upload
Some more, as requested
4 img
Views: 851  Commt: 1
OK, not the best pictures, but I'll try to make better ones asap
Victorian70 commented on his own upload
How the day started...
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Views: 1229  Commt: 2
Thought I got rid of that hard one, but he came back...
Victorian70  @Hotjgw: even if I'm straight, I do appreciate sometimes bisexual experiences, so when I'm in the right mood, your proposal is fine for me (and including happy ending huh!)
Victorian70 likes BrandiWine462's upload
More sexy pics
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Views: 8490  Commt: 73
Had a friend take these pics of my wife while I jacked off
Victorian70 has uploaded a new upload
Hard times
4 img
Views: 1299  Commt: 0
Just guess why this choice of title... ;-)