Pending friend request
vicvh commented on kreta's upload
Anja 67
19 img
Views: 8104  Commt: 44
Wenn mich im Garten die Lust überfällt, dann muss ich mich nur so hinlegen und Schatzi rufen! Stefan beendet dann seinen Schwatz mit dem Nachbarn, kommt zu mir nach hinten und bedient mich!
Ob der Nachbar was gemerkt hat?

When I'm overcome with lust in the garden, all I have to do is lie down and call honey! Stefan then finishes his chat with the neighbors, comes to me at the back and serves me!
Did the neighbor notice anything?
vicvh  Endgeil. Wie gerne ich mit gespielt hätte
vicvh commented on kreta's upload
Anja 78
14 img
Views: 5307  Commt: 15
Do you still remember the betting story (Anja 70 and 71)? While browsing for new pictures I found these pictures! I asked Stefan who had done it, he didn't. Well then he admitted it was his buddy too! The horny guy wanted to see me naked and so they both looked for a place where he could watch us and take pictures!!
I certainly wouldn't have been so relaxed if I had known that!

Erinnert Ihr Euch noch an die Wettgeschichte (Anja 70 und 71)? Beim Stöbern nach neuen Bildern fand ich diese Bilder! Ich fragte Stefan wer die denn gemacht hatte, er ja nicht. Naja da hat er zugegeben, dass das auch sein Kumpel war! Der geile Kerl wollte mich zu gern mal nackt sehen und so haben die beiden dann eine Stelle gesucht wo er uns schön zusehen und knipsen konnte!!
Ich wäre bestimmt nicht so locker gewesen wenn ich das geahnt hätte!
vicvh  Super schönes making of
vicvh likes kreta's upload
Anja 80
7 img
Views: 3790  Commt: 23
I wanted to know if other guys would find me as horny as our friend did (look Anja 70, 71, 78 and 79) , so I decided to try it out on vacation.
Every day a young ice cream man rang our bell and I had an idea.
I asked Stefan if I could get the ice cream that way?
Well he said, if you say so, but honestly what should he take you for?
Well, I said, then I'll change my clothes quickly!

Ich wollte jetzt wissen, ob mich auch andere Kerle so geil finden würden wie unser Freund (siehe Anja 70. 71, 78 und 79) und so beschloss ich, es im Urlaub auszuprobieren.
Jeden Tag klingelte bei uns ein junger Eismann und mir kann eine Idee.
Ich fragte Stefan, ob ich nicht so das Eis holen könnte?
Naja sagte er, wenn du meinst, aber ehrlich für was soll er dich denn halten?
Gut sagte ich, dann ziehe ich mich eben schnell um!
vicvh commented on kreta's upload
Anja 83
11 img
Views: 5339  Commt: 28
ice cream man IV
He then actually came back the next day and Anja put a little private trip for him. She had her fun to show him really everything!
More did not come out of it for him, because in front of the house already a few children with their moms called for ice cream!
Too bad, the next day we left.
vicvh  Ziemlich heiß
vicvh commented on kreta's upload
Anja 79
16 img
Views: 5201  Commt: 16
But that's not all, Stefan also showed me these pictures here!
After the first secret shoot, he had told his buddy that I love posing naked for strangers in front of the camera, only to have Stefan's wet pussy licked and fucked in return.
His buddy would have liked to see that too. Ok, Stefan said, that would work in our garden, Anja likes to be fucked there.
The buddy then hid himself with a telephoto lens and waited for us.
As is so often the case, I first undressed for Stefan and made him hot. I was in a good mood and let myself be pampered and cummed on and was just surprised that I was supposed to stay on my back! Now i know why!
To use my exhibitionist streak and horniness like that!
Well, and because the two didn't want to keep looking for new hiding places to see me in action, they came up with the betting story.
You already know that I had no choice.
In the meantime, the buddy is a good friend of both of us and I'm even more relaxed and revealing than before and also proud to be able to show it off like this.
vicvh  Extrem geile
vicvh likes thehornytwo's upload
10 img
Views: 5125  Commt: 22
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Through the window
10 img
Views: 3324  Commt: 16
Cooling of in the desert
vicvh likes kopaszpin's upload
Summer memories.
4 img
Views: 5257  Commt: 18
Summer memories.
vicvh likes Blondebabe's upload
Body shots
19 img
Views: 9831  Commt: 53
Just lying in bed feeling horny.. so took some body shots.
vicvh likes Lucindy's upload
Bed pics
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Views: 11893  Commt: 201
Come to bed with me
vicvh likes Headinsouthblues's upload
Same Ol’ Blues (new shoes)
16 img
Views: 15581  Commt: 178
She got a new pair of sexy blue heels. Couldn’t help but do a sexy photoshoot in them. She wants to hear what you think.
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german couple pussy & cock
8 img
Views: 6837  Commt: 25
We are looking for girls or hot couples for a great threesome/foursome
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Holiday hotel room II
13 img
Views: 7663  Commt: 47
Nude in holiday
vicvh commented on thehornytwo's upload
in the riverbed
10 img
Views: 3056  Commt: 17
in the riverbed
vicvh  Naked in nature, absolut great
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out in nature
17 img
Views: 3499  Commt: 20
out in nature
vicvh commented on thehornytwo's upload
out in nature - ruin
9 img
Views: 3732  Commt: 24
out in nature - ruin
vicvh  Great pix
vicvh commented on thehornytwo's upload
10 img
Views: 4785  Commt: 35
vicvh  Wow, I love nature
vicvh likes sabretooth's upload
It has been a long time
12 img
Views: 6552  Commt: 60
Long time since we posted but we hope to do more this year if you would like us too?
vicvh commented on bacchus12211's upload
First Post
4 img
Views: 21677  Commt: 329
Trying some solo shots first. Would love to hear what you think. If the response is there, we’ll post some action shots.
vicvh  Amazing butt, and a very nice plug
vicvh likes Newtosharinghub's upload
What you think Gallery 6
4 img
Views: 8990  Commt: 65
Please keep commenting and liking!