Creampie Fucked with Vibrator part 1

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I came in her pussy while she was riding me, she had cum a couple of times but she needed more! I got out her favorite toy and she went at it! Listen to her cum and moan. I loved watching my cum run out of her and down her ass! If we get enough interest we'll share part 2, she really gets her creampie messy! Who is going to clean her pussy up?
Comments (9)
so hot - love hearing her moan and cum! WOuld love to be licking!
I want to clean that sexy mess!
I love hearing her moan and cum. I'll be cumming soon too
I want to see the rest! Please post it soon. If you guys need help let me know! I could be sucking him hard again while you play with your creampie or I could be getting hard ready to pound you after the batteries run out!
Anyone want to see the rest of this?
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Clean up is my specialty please sign me up.
I love the taste of a freshly fucked pussy.