My chubby girlfriend gets abused by my lover :|

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The other day, I told my girlfriend about my lover. She got interested and after telling Mike (YukaYum) about Kikumi, he was eager to sex with her. I want to be more open-minded and accept his side-steps, so I was asked to post his adventure with my girlfriend too. I'm not so jealous though, she is much chubbier than me. But I guess she enjoyed. Something about her blowjob that made Mike's fuckstick very hard. Hope she is not asking me for this favour all too often. I'm really not into girl's sex, just hard (not too big) fuckstick deep inside my own little girl. Who wants to sidestep with me, AsianSquirt?
Comments (14)
Used and abused fuck pig.
Good hot sexy fun !
Very Very Hotโ€ฆ.. more pleaseโ€ฆthank you for posting
Really HOT!
What a juicy wet pussy and hard deef fuck! Pumped her full of a nice load too!
Wow she is so hot ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Delicious juicy hairy pussy๐Ÿ‘…a wonderfully delicious sight, seeing one like that I would press my face into it and taste it with pleasure. do not cut or ruin your hair. it is at its best as a natural hairy๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
i would lovingly abuse both you and your chubby girlfriend
Superb sex session! I am afraid your friend will ask for more ;-0. I will be in Tokyo in August and gladly volunteer to keep you well-sexed.
wow yr so juicy and hot; love to be deep in yr hot pussy
We woukd absolutely love to sidestep with you. That was a very hot video. Made me hard as hell. I know my wife would love to join in.
Damn, that was HOT! Thank you for sharing!
Wonderful Hairy Pussy and Horny Video! ๐Ÿ˜˜
damn you both should of used and abused her but good