Toyed with my male friend

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I finally had the courage to have my hot friend Chris over while my wife was out for the day.

We kinda new we wanted This as we had watched videos of our wives together and kind half masturbated together but we both new we were horny and wa t ed to see another finish.

That day he came over I took him to the basement and put on our wives videos of us fucking and then I said I need to show you some thing.

And just stripped to my panties and played in front of me til he took out his cock

We end up on the couch together and coming on each others asses.

I let him film me to keep for later but he was too shy to let me film him. His ass and cock we’re so Fkn sexy
Comments (7)
mmmhh first licking and than........
Fuck yeah
I'd love to give you mine in that sexy ass
You would enjoy a real cock fucking your ass much more than your dildo. I know from experience
That I'd so hot
Fucking sweet view....
Love your oiled up ass, The real thing would have no problem slideing deep in there..
Wow that’s hot id like to join you for some fun