very interesting procedures with my wife's genital organ

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we really enjoy showing everyone our special games with our sexual organs and especially very detailed anatomical parts of the genitalia clitoris urethra lips and the inside of the vagina with the uterus interesting is the masturbation of the open vagina with gynecological precision and the possibility to follow the progress and reactions up to orgasm the process with the clitoris is also fantastic and a close-up of urination and a super macro shot of sperm on the woman's tongue, at the end you will see the pumping of the woman's external genitalia
Posted in: Close ups Tags: pussy, penis, amater, sex, instruction, zbl, zka
Comments (7)
Wow so hot
Beautiful, tight, ass . . . begging to be used
unbelievably sexy - very accommodating hot girl!
beautiful pussy, love it! Also a nice big clitoris.
OK I'm soaking wet watching this, I think I just found another kink. That said I don't think I could possibly have an orgasm with a speculum in me.
awesome mmmmmmmmmm
I suggest you to apply some testosterone creme on the clit to make it even bigger. I am a big fun of your games.