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to start with just an inspection of the labia, clitoris and other parts of my wife's pussy and she will professionally take care of my penis and let it penetrate the vagina so that it can release sperm with pleasure. I will then like to induce an orgasm for her with a vibrator, then we will have sexual intercourse again with the maximum initiative of the woman. It ended with a beautiful orgasm. Finally, enjoy the view into the open vagina filled with sperm and a satisfied pissing pussy.
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: pussy, penis, amater, sex, sperma, piss, speculum
Comments (5)
MMMMMM. Top notch stuff
Hhhhhot 🔥 🥵
You really should put these on xxnx…
Its so Hot watching the way you all are so intuned in exploring each others bodies so intimately , not to mention hearing the sweet music the bodies and lady makes 😎🌺