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looking for a sexy older woman to strap one on and take over.
Posted in: Masturbation & Toys Tags: dildo, anal, male
Comments (11)
i'm sure that feels real good but i can tell you a real cock feels so much better. you should try it sometime
What a SWEET SWEET SEXY HOT male CUNT. I'd LOVE to have YOU as a friend and neighbor . I'm sure we would spend a lot of time together . I know I sure would LOVE to give YOU a rim job then use what ever toy YOU choose . My cock isn't big enough to fill YOUR CUNT. And YES like women its not the size of the cunt but how YOU use what YOU have. A lot of WOMEN have big big CUNTS but when it comes to getting off a good hard tongue on the right part of her cunt and she well piss all over with excitement and enjoy that as much as a big toy. All in the mood. I can fist a women and get her to CUM . But I also can suck on that same WOMEN CUNT and get the same thing. Some times I think its just the idea of how hard YOU get YOUR outer ass banged. Or the fact that someone has a part of there body in YOURS.
I want in
Wish I was filling that ass
Great video!! I too love a dildo up the ass!!!
love your hot ass taking it in
Very nice POV video. I like the way you think!
oh i love this guy
I'd love to have you strap one on and fuck my "man cunt"
That's a gaping cunt you have there...very nice.