Finger fucking my wife as she toys until she cums hard

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Finger fucking my wife as she toys until she cums hard.
Comments (13)
would love to hear what she sounds like when she cums if your cock was filling her mouth!
wow very hottt finger fucking...she loved it! Great view of her beautiful boobs too.....was she staring at your red hot cock while you pleasured her sexy pussy?
the "oh, oh, oh, OH, OH FUCK beginning at 50 seconds is something I could (and have) listen to dozens of times. Please keep giving her pleasure and recording it for us to enjoy!
fuck that's hot
wow! fucking hot!
I don't think there is anything better in the world than to give a woman this kind of sexual pleasure and hear her moan and groan like this during an orgasm. Well, MY orgasm as she then turns to suck my cock and take my cum rivals this, but as you age I think you delight in the lady's orgasm at least as much - knowing that the more you please her and the more orgasms you give her so generously the more she will in turn reciprocate and even become more experimental and willing to do most anything with and for you. They are so lucky because they can just keep having orgasm after orgasm.....
now imagine if i was licking her toes at the same time !
MORE !! this is a good one!
Thanks everyone!
this vid made me horny! so hot to see and hear her come!
horny big orgasm mm
I would like to fuck your pussy while you vibe your clit