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he was insisting that I just ignore his pleas to back off and just keep on trying to get my fist into his hungry slutty arse. ... there will be more attempts after getting so close.
Posted in: Fisting Tags: fisting, femdom, anal
Comments (5)
If you don't mind me adding my two bobs worth TAKE IT SLOW do not force it
it takes time to stretch your rectum GO SLOW start with a small butt plug and work your
way up to the larger plugs and use plenty of lube you won't regret it try to speed up the process
and you may find your self in the ER and wearing a nappy play safe and take your time.
mmmm wow...well done!!! you two are awesome! thanks for sharing....xx
Such a kinky dirty fun couple
Oh yea, get that hot ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved the oral moans of pleasure!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for this hot n horny post!!!!!!!!!!!