New Year's Masturbation 2016

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This is one of the most erotic things I have ever done. It is the first time I ever took my clothes off and did anything in front of a vanilla friend. We were surprised on New Year's with a visit from a couple we know. They are not swingers! She actually works for me. We drank and got out an adult board game to play. We played the innocent version where cards are picked and the person has to perform the challenge or give up a free pass card. It is mostly truth or dare and spin the bottle type stuff. We had to dirty dance and trade off kissing on the mouth or outside of clothing kind of thing. One of the challenges had us go to separate rooms for 10 minutes, do something naughty, and return as a group and tell. I posed for pictures for her husband and took my clothes off and masturbated! OMG! I did ask him to pull down his pants after I came, but it all ended as there was a commotion and she got sick from drinking too much. He took her home. She remembers the night and suggested we get together sometime and tease our husbands. She doesn't know I masturbated for her husband and wanted him to take his dick out for me.
Comments (16)
Damn girl!
That was hotter than hell!
Where did you bought the electrical toy ?
Damn sexy! My cock would've been out & hard as seeing & hearing you like that!
How could he not have his dick out looking at you?? You are just so damn sexy!!
good use of power tools!
You are So Beautiful doing yourself... You make me so hard than I had to wank myself and make CUM watching you
Fucking shit you are gorgeous baby
G8 vid
I wanna shove my tongue in her asshole
You wouldnt have had to ask me, would have been out already and probably cumming with you
mmmm delish babe!! xxx
Amazing... naughty thing you...
You are so hot and naughty. Ibwould live to sit and watch you masturbate, my dick would be out by the time you finished. I want to taste your wetness and feel your hot wet pussy wrapped around my cock
Wow, good times. Maybe the husband told his wife what happened a d THAT is why she wants to come back! ?!
great story!