Wife With a Young Man B

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Wife met a young adult man Monday morning and spent a long time enjoying his company. He was strong, he was curious, he was hungry, and he had a chance with a hot woman who had given him the opportunity to take care of her and himself. And so, he did, feeling the pleasure of a sweet woman. She was getting what she needed from a young adult strong man. He had the best time to enjoy. This is part B of this video.
Posted in: Studs Tags: wife, stud, fucked, pussy, strong, dick
Comments (6)
And right back at it - oh to be young again! I’m glad she slowed things down when she got on top to show him how a slow sensual fuck can feel very good.
Very erotic.
He’s a very lucky man
Love her
Great vid, i think the men of all ages would love to enjoy that hot beaty
Lucky young man. Wish I could be young again