Wife With a Young Man A

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Wife met a young adult man Monday morning and spent a long time enjoying his company. He was strong, he was curious, he was hungry, and he had a chance with a hot woman who had given him the opportunity to take care of her and himself. And so, he did, feeling the pleasure of a sweet woman. She was getting what she needed from a young adult strong man. He had the best time to enjoy. This is part A of this video.
Posted in: Studs Tags: wife, stud, pussy, shared
Comments (12)
Young, dumb & full of cum! Not into foreplay is he? I like how he arrived with condoms!
We like how he is taking his time with her, they both needed the passion...I was hoping to watch round 2..his cock was still hard as steel
in my view, he fucks her real good and she seems like wanting him to fuck her very good.
All of the videos with this young man and only one thing is obvious.........he is there for one reason. Get his rocks off and leave. He has no intention of, and likely no clue how to please a woman. Not a single moment of anything but him banging away. Just another dog in a world full of dogs. 🙄
Wow! Your wife is so hot! Your so lucky!
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WOW! Hot session! Love hearing her cum!!!
MMMMM. He knows how to please her
Mmmmm I love her 😃
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